Knowledge vs. Wisdom

Last week I was really excited to start reading the book “Know What You Believe” by Paul E. Little. I’ve read the book before, but this time I felt that there was more of a purpose. A small group that I’m involved in has begun to read it and we were having our first discussion about it. It’s a great book that I highly recommend. The book is a Christian Theology book, and makes for a great study of the core beliefs of the Christian faith. I find the subject matter completely fascinating because every time I read something having to do with Christian Theology and/or Apologetics, my faith is strengthened and my knowledge increases. I was also excited for the others in my small group because I knew that each of them would be strengthened and their knowledge of our beliefs would be increased. What a great opportunity for us to learn and grow together!

Over the following days though, God began to really work on me and challenge me to continuously consider my motives regarding reading that book and learning about Him in general. He was prompting me to begin asking myself “am I just looking to increase my knowledge and pump up my ego?” or “am I really looking to grow closer to Him, be more like Christ and to see Him be glorified?”. It was very sobering and I began to think, “God you’re really bringing me down here”.

In God’s unbelievable timing, I began reading the book “The Imitation of Christ” by Thomas a’ Kempis during my daily quiet time. Immediately God confronted me with statements like “What good does it do to speak learnedly about the Trinity if, lacking humility, you displease the Trinity?” OUCH!!!, that hurt. God doesn’t waste any time, huh? The very next sentence was the second punch that said “it’s not learning that makes a man holy and just, but a virtuous life makes him pleasing to God.”. At that point I was flat on the mat. I knew that God was telling me to check my heart, check my motives and check my ego at the door. He wanted me to make sure and approach my desire to learn with the proper attitude, a spirit of humility, the desire for my love for Him to grow, and for His glory, not mine.

John 8:12 says:

“He who follows Me, walks not in darkness”, says the Lord.

True wisdom and knowledge are found in Christ.

So, are you after more knowledge? Or, are you after true wisdom that is found only in Christ. What are your motives? Do you get caught up in the learning in and of itself? Does it make you feel good about yourself? Do you have a spirit of humility? Are you seeking to grow closer to God?

Entering the Blogosphere

Well, I guess the time has come to enter the world of blogging. I’ve sat on the sidelines long enough and it’s time to get in the game. Honestly, I’ve never thought of myself as much of a writer and maybe doing this will tell me why that’s the case. But regardless of whether or not I can write, I feel that I need to step out of my comfort zone and put some of my thoughts, opinions, observations and experiences out there.

My passion for what I want to write about centers around my Christian faith and today’s culture. There are many things that I have a passion for, though (God, family, music, sports and my country) and I can see this going in a number of directions and probably a lot of ways these passions will cross.

I don’t really know what to expect from doing this or how it will be received. My hope is that it might inspire, motivate, cause someone to stop and think, or examine their own life, beliefs and opinions more deeply. I pray that it challenges you, and in return, challenges me.